Atilla Tanrikulu

I am an experienced software engineer and architect living in Germany. I’m passionate about distributed scalable enterprise web-based microservices/applications and delivering great user experiences. I have created some amazing enterprise-level applications that many people have used and hopefully enjoyed.


Java Quick Reference Apache Kafka Tutorial Guvenli Kod Gelistirme Making an Enterprise Scale Angular Project Step by Step Nightly SQL Server Database Backup with command line batch file and windows scheduler AOP Framework without proxy pattern IdentityServer Nedir Middleware Pattern With Csharp And Javascript Docker most used commands Online Proje Dokumantasyonu, Docker, Nginx, mdwiki How to use Github Pages for static websites Inheritance with JavaScript, EC6 (ECMAScript 6, ECMAScript 2015) Object oriented javascript and Inheritance Singleton Pattern with Javascript Factory Pattern with Javascript Open terminal here mac os x service IdentityServer4-Angular-6-integration JMater notlari, kurulum ve kullanim Learn Jekyll in 12 Steps Make Mac Application with Automater from sh script Make spotlight index markdown or code files OAuth 2.0 Nedir (RFC6749) Using Custom CSS and Custom JavaScript to an Angular Project Cross Platform Desktop Application With .Net Core 2x and Angular 6x front-end projects with nodejs gulp bower yeoman and angularjs Host Asp.Net Core on Linux with Apache Redis kurulumu ve ayarlari Useful Mac OS Apps Choosing internet connection on multiple interface windows Name Server Kurulumu How to define domain name for your dynamic IP SQL table data compare, and prepare insert satements Useful Git Commands TFS ile Otomatik deployment yapmak Spring Boot Tutorial Sql server icin maliyetli sorgularin tespit edilmesi Arama Motoru Optimizasyonu (SEO) My installed mac apps

Useful git commands

1. Create a Repository

# Show configuration
$ git config -l  

# From scratch, Create a local Repository
$ git init

# Download from an existing repository
$ git clone repo_url

# add all changes to statege
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'description'  #commit staged changes to git repsository
$ git push # push changes to remote repository. sadece remote repository varsa kullanilir. local de calisirken gerek yok.

2. Observe your Repository

#list new or modified files not yet committed
$ git status

# Show the changes to files not yet staged
$ git diff

# Show the changes to staged files
$ git diff --changed

# Show all staged and unstaged file changes
$ git diff HEAD

# Show the changes between two commit ids
$ git diff commit1 commi2

# List the change dates and authors for file
$ git blame [file]

# Show the file changes for a cimmit id and/or file
$ git show [comit]:[file]

# Show full changes history
$ git log

# Show change history for file/directory including diffs
$ git log -p [file/directory]

# Adding remote origin for local repository
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master

3. Working with Branches

# List all local branches
$ git branch

# List all branches local and remote
$ git branch -av

# Creaging a branch
$ git branch gh-pages
$ git push origin gh-pages

# Switch to a branch and update working directory
$ git checkout gh-pages

# Delete the branch
$ git branch -d gh-pages

# merge branch_a into branch_b
$ git checkout branch_b
$ git merge branch_a

# Merge selected branch to master
$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git merge master

# Tag the current commit
$ git tag my_tag

4. Syncronize - Reset

# Get the latest changes from origin (no merge)
$ git fetch

# Fetch the latest changes from origin (with merge)
$ git pull

# Fetch the latest changes from origin and rebase
$ git pull --rebase

# Push the local changes to the origin
$ git push

# Unstage file, keeping the file changes
$ git reset [file]

# revert everything to the last commit
% git reset --hard

5. Change user

# kullanici degistirmek
$ git config --global "username"
$ git config --global "mail"
$ git config --global "mail"

6. Finally

# when in doubt, use git help
$ git command --help
# or visit
Date: 2017-12-03 10:20:00 +0000